General meeting


Combined General Meeting on April 26th, 2024


The company's shareholders are notified that they will be convened to a combined ordinary and extraordinary general meeting on April 26th , 2024, at 10:00 am, at the Champagne LANSON head office, 66 rue de Courlancy 51100 REIMS.

Preparatory documents for the Combined General Meeting (in french)

Notice of the meeting [PDF]
Early notice of the meeting
Explanatory memorandum and report on the resolutions submitted to the Combined General Meeting of 26 April 2024 [PDF]
Summary table of financial authorisations [PDF]
Documents request form [PDF]
Proxy form [PDF]
Mail voting form [PDF]
Detailed text of the draft resolutions [PDF]
Summary of the company's situation during the past financial year [PDF]
Information on the total number of voting rights and shares representing the share capital at 20 March 2024 [PDF]

2023 universal registration document [PDF]

How to take part in our meetings


General meetings are convened by the Board of Directors under the conditions and within the timeframes provided for under French law. The same conditions apply for prior communications with shareholders.
In accordance with the legislative provisions in force, the Board of Directors makes available or distributes the documents needed to enable shareholders to vote in full knowledge of the facts.


To attend the meeting, be represented, or vote by correspondence, holders of registered shares must have had their securities registered at least two days before the meeting.

Within the same timeframe, shareholders must have sent a certificate confirming the unavailability of their shares up until the date of the meeting to the address indicated in the notice to attend.

If they are unable to attend the meeting themselves, shareholders may either authorize another shareholder or their spouse to represent them, or send in a proxy form without any representative indicated, in which case the Chairman of the meeting will vote in favour of adopting the resolutions put forward or approved by the Board of Directors, and will vote against any other resolutions proposed. Shareholders may also vote by correspondence.


Shareholders have one voting right for each share with an entitlement to vote that they own or are representing. There is some double voting right, simple voting rights becoming double in the term of two years of detention.



Combined General Meeting on May 13th, 2023

Download the minutes of the combined general meeting [PDF] (in french)
Notice of the meeting
 [PDF] (in french)

Combined General Meeting on April 29th, 2022

Results of the votes by resolutions [PDF] (in french)
Total shares and voting rights as of march, 23 2022 [PDF] (in french)

Meetings on April 29th, 2021

Download the minutes of the combined general meeting [PDF] (in french)
Download the minutes of the special meeting of shareholders with double voting rights [PDF] (in french)
Results of the votes by resolutions
[PDF] (in french)
Total number of voting rights and shares composing the capital on 24 March 2021 [PDF] (in french)

Combined General Meeting on April 30th, 2020

Download the minutes [PDF] (in french)
Total shares and voting rights as of march, 25 2020 [PDF] (in french)





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